Summer Tennis is in Full swing.
Here is our latest news, happenings and tips......
The Upper Gwynedd Tennis program will be doing a food drive throughout the summer
Monday we will start a collection for "Manna on Main" this drive will last
from June to August. Please bring in can goods, box items
Teen Parents
We are collecting $1.00 from the teens. When the weather is very warm, I buy
them popsicles. This donations helps with our popsicle fund.
Parents Please make sure your child is wearing sunblock even though the sun has not been shining, the rays are still very strong. Also, please make sure your child is eating breakfast before they come. As we all know, breakfast is very important, fuels your child and gets them going.
Evening teen and adult class 6:30 - 8:00pm
Don't forget to sign up for the 2nd session...
The 2nd session starts 6/28